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This is a vision for a new form of community interaction. It is based on existing principles and technologies but it integrates these technologies to produce a more equitable system overall.

The system is based on the the individual person and their needs.

Each person that uses the system has to have their identity confirmed both by documentation and by acceptance by other users. The relationships between people will be recorded.

The relationships between people and their connections to country becomes a basis for the  integrity of the system.

The interactions of the people are controlled by the individuals involved. At no time is the authority of the individual lost to another.

It is possible for the individual to grant authority to act to another person as their representative but this authority can be withdrawn or reassigned at any time.

The individual can create or join a common interest group in order to provide services or support to their community.

Where a group is proposed or formed to provide a service it can use a SAAS (software as a service)  application to manage this activity.

The SAAS applications will be compliant to local legislations and used to provide community based services.

Each individual will have one vote on any board, organisation or group they choose to participate in. This vote can be assigned to another person in order for that person to represent them. The vote can be assigned, reassigned or withdrawn at will. Where the vote is withdrawn the rights revert to the individual involved.

Assigned votes cannot be reassigned to another individual.

This process is designed to allow those people that are unable or unwilling to engage in decision making processes to give their vote to an individual whom they trust.

The object of this process is to maintain the autonomy of the individual at all times.

Their are only two layers in this system, individuals and their representatives. The representatives have no tenure and are entirely dependent on the support of their nominees at all times.

Users will be able to use the SAAP system to create manage and operate any community organisation, startup or enterprise.

Users will also be able to express their views on subjects that they choose. It will be possible to discuss issues and easily measure support for an idea.

The system will be closed to non users. Users can be sure that the other users are real people. The system will be secured at the highest standard.

As this is a SAAS system  users will be charged fees but paid advertising will not be permitted.

Information sharing will be encouraged and users can subscribe to news feeds from organisations they have joined or have an interest in.

There will be a blockchain based digital currency system to allow for efficient  financial transactions. The digital currency is unique and has been already been designed . Details of the currency design will be kept confidential until the system is launched.

This system will:

  • Allow the existence of autonomous beings

  • Allow representative democracy

  • Allow secure financial transparency

  • Ensure data integrity

  • Prevent and eliminate fake profiles

  • Ensure business rule compliance by managed organisations

  • Provide a secure digital currency

  • Allow for the creation of community based support services.

    • Education

      • Mentoring

      • Tutoring

    • Home care

      • Maintenance

      • Cleaning

      • Yard cleaning

    • Health care

      • Prevention

      • Treatment

      • Education

    • Transport services

      • Ride sharing

      • Community Minibus use

      • Vehicle pool management

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