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Religions may well have been necessary stages in human development. The teachings are diverse but there are common threads in many. If you can imagine father faced with a lot of children to whom he has given free will. He has to live elsewhere due to work commitments. These children insist on being naughty but the father keeps trying to teach through various kids that are able to listen to him. The kids get a bit confused and end up fighting amongst each other over things they were told that were specific to their local circumstances. The kids developed differently all over the place some stayed close to the guidance being given on a daily basis while others formed groups that evolved in different ways. Each tended to believe that theirs was the only way. After the kids had developed efficient ways to communicate and a clearer understanding of the physical world via scientific study the father decided to teach the children to think independently and to be guided as individuals. The father also wanted the children to trust him and have faith in his guidance. This way of knowing allows all the children to discover the truth for themselves. The father also realises that all the children have different needs and circumstances so the guidance will depend on individual circumstances. The children will have to respect each others beliefs as it is not up to them to judge each other. The children will still have to live together with the rules and laws that are needed to enable a functioning society. When the children are given the new covenant they will naturally be wary and reticent, this is to be expected. The father will be ready and waiting to help the children that understand and want to be guided.

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