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Project Details


I acquired a building and refurbished it. See

We used the building for various community activities.

I have accumulated the hardware need to build a recording studio on site.

Equipment includes AVID and Digidesign pro-tools recording equipment, Fairlight Dream Constellation 11 post production equipment and fairlight  mfx3 audio editor components.

I have accumulated the hardware to put together a 100tb SAN for storage, 12 servers for the data centre, one FC 36tb LTO5 tape backup and one 36tb SAS LTO5 tape backup system and  a full UPS system of 36kva.

I have all the fibre channel and ethernet switches required to build the system with full redundancy.


I have designed software to run and manage community based organisations and have designed an integrated system for community organisation management.

The system allows for security of data and transparency of data for the entitled members.

This system has been designed after over 20 years of observing the problems in the setting up and management of community based organisations.


We have also designed a digital currency that is similar to bitcoin in that it is using blockchain technology but has some distinct and unique differences. The design is to provide for the specific needs of the community groups and their members. This design will remain confidential until patent applications have been submitted.


I am now asking for people to support this project understanding that the methodology is experimental in nature and no guarantees are offered or promised. The only thing I will promise is that in the event of success of the project, financial or otherwise I will give the Saints preferential treatment in all transactions or offers. In the event of an IPO or ICO the project supporters will get first chance to be involved. Contributors will also be informed of progress of the project.


I have run foul of the banks because our priorities and purpose in life are different. I would like to get the banks out of the project before they destroy it. The banks in Australia have proved themselves to be less than honest and ethical (see the Royal Commision into the banking system) and I would like to get rid of them.


You should have read how I make decisions and that will not change. This project is based on faith and following that inner voice to make correct decisions. I am interested in like minded people as supporters. You need to ask yourself if you should do this. If you really do hear the response  yes then you are on the way. Once you connect to the truth your life may change.


This path is not necessarily easy and may at times be very difficult. It is not a path to instant riches but may well bring you peace.

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