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The Original Story


I started asking myself if there was a God type intelligence that could guide us.
I was essentially agnostic said to myself if there is a god I would have to meet her. I started experimenting with asking myself for direction. I tried asking for directions and doing what I was guided to do. The outcome could have been random with no logic, but that is not what happened.
There seemed to be too many coincidences, too much synchronicity for the outcomes to be regarded as random.


Following the process resulted in me obtaining the funds, then jumping on a plane to Japan.  I had no plans no destination, just the pursuit of the path.
When I arrived in Narita I walked out of the airport and was told where to go by a Japanese person. I followed directions and arrived at Tsukuba. I followed my directions and got in a taxi. I asked where I could stay and the driver took me to a guest house. I booked in and discovered it was the only guest house in Japan owned by an Israeli man who was married to a Japanese woman. I remember her name was Yoshiko.
I discovered that there was a World Expo on in the town. I remember the theme as Science Technology and the future of mankind. I followed my method to get around. Very interesting path. No maps, signs all in Japanese, a real test of the method. I went to the expo, looked at all the stands in the order they were shown to me. I was shown the difference between cultures with a history of alcohol use and those with none. The differences in the artistic styles was the most remarkable to me. At the time I was still drinking alcohol and the cultural differences seemed obvious.
I was guided to the Jamaican pavilion and met Rita Marley and one of Bob's sons (not Ziggy though). Had a chat about Indigenous Reggae.
One evening when I went back to the guest house late. I was given my key by Yoshiko with the words "Here is your key".
When I went to my room the key did not fit. I asked myself for directions and went to the next room and the key fit. I naturally was apprehensive but I had to pursue the path without fear. I entered the room and stood wondering what would happen next.
I asked if I was going to see God and was directed to the mirror. Looking at myself in the mirror I heard " Your god is inside you, you are not god. Ask questions leading to a yes/no answer. Yes, no or up/down or left/right. Listen for the first quiet reponse. All the rest is just your thoughts.
I was astonished. I asked, "is it that simple?". Answer  "Yes". I realised that this was binary communications. Then I heard "teach how to know not what to know". I asked "so do i have to teach this?" Yes was the answer.
I asked for directions and had to lie down, and I slept.
I was woken by a gentleman asking what I was doing in his room. I apologized and said that Yoshiko had given me the wrong key. He said,  "No harm done", and I returned to my room.
Soon after I was called in my room and asked if I had taken the man's gold pen from his room. I said i hadn't, and returned to my room.
This situation was concerning to me but i had just been told to trust and obey the divine direction. They asked me again about the pen and were calling the police as I must have stolen it.
I asked what to do and had to do nothing except sit on the bed and wait.
I asked myself repeatedly and had to stay put.
After about 2 hours the response changed and I went out into the hallway and was directed to a telephone on the wall in the hallway. Next to the phone was a list of phone numbers in Japanese.
I was directed to the list. Moving up and down my finger stopped on a word in Japanese. I thought "really?" and the answer came yes. I called out to Yoshiko who was in the office and she came out to see me. I asked her what the word was on the list i had my finger on. She said it was the phone number for the railways lost property office. I asked if anyone had tried ringing the office about the pen. She laughed and said that was not very likely but said she would pass it on.
I went back to my room in a surprised way. This stuff was always interesting but this situation was out there. I sat in my room for some time until I was told that the pen had been found.

The owner of the pen, whose name was Mohammed, came to see me and apologized for the accusation.
Soon after I saw people in the common room and asked Yoshiko what was going on. She said not to disturb them because they were reporters from the local paper. They were doing a story focusing on the honesty of the Japanese. It was a good news story about the valuable solid gold pen that had been handed in by a passenger.
On reflection I realized that my answers about the existence of god and being able to get guidance were given in a particular setting. This was not just chance.
I was given this information in a muslim man called Mohammed's room in the only Jewish owned guesthouse  in this Buddhist country.
I also connected with  Bob Marley's wife, Rita and her kids, a Rastafarian family.
This helped reinforce the universality of the message I received. I was instructed to teach this way of knowing to everyone. No payment can be charged for this teaching.
It has been over 30 years since these events and I am still trying to walk the path.
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