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To Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people


We are asking all Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to join the Flash Mob.

We asking for a fair share of the wealth earned on the Australian First Peoples land according to  their  customary law.

It is our intention to share any money received equally amongst all the members of the Flash Mob.


We intend keeping ten percent of the gross receipts in order to fund the management system.

The balance will be shared equally amongst the Flash Mob.


To non Aboriginal Australian residents and non Aboriginal non residents.


We invite you to support the Flash Mob and their claim for recognition of customary law as it relates to the use of their traditional lands for commercial purposes.

You are either a resident or non-resident of Australia.

The residents of Australia have a different status to the the non residents.

Residents need to share ten percent of what is earned whilst using the land area known as Australia with the Flash Mob.

Income received as wages from a business or a benefit paid by the government is exempt. The government or employer is liable for the payment of the share as the entity generating the wealth.

All  businesses including self-employed people have an obligation under customary law to share the proceeds of their business activities in Australia.

These funds will be distributed equitably to the Flash Mob. The Non Residents, can show support in any way they choose as there is no obligation under customary law to share.

Businesses that choose to acknowledge customary law and pay their share will be recognised and acknowledged by the Flash Mob. They will be given preferential treatment in all matters of business and public relations. 

If you want to support or become part of the Flash Mob, or the Pulya (pronounced Bulya, means good) Mob, join the site on the top right side and then go to Member Home. You can then join the Flash Mob or Pulya Mob whichever is appropriate to you.

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